Honest, spiritual conversations exploring Jewish & Chassidic wisdom, women’s Torah, and the lived experience of Judaism.
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An Honest Conversation About Jewish Marriage, Sexuality, and Mikvah | Chanie Krasnianski
A conversation with Chanie Krasnianski, a seasoned educator and shlucha on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, NY, about the beauty of the Jewish perspective on sexuality, mikvah, and marriage. Explore the spiritual depth of physical attraction, the beauty and struggles that can arise with the laws of family purity, how to navigate religious differences in a relationship, and the deep potential for holiness and profound connection within our most intimate spaces.
Who Do We Give Our Power To?
A deep lesson from the Purim story about who we give our power to, showing up to create imperfect vessels while believing that G-d can send miracles that far surpass our efforts, and learning to see past the veneer of concealment and experience the soul's identity as primary in our lives.
Walking Through the Doorway | Dr. Erica Brown
A conversation about the lessons we can learn from Megillas Esther for our current times, walking through the doorways G-d calls us to, navigating responsibilities that we didn't sign up for, the synthesis of modern wisdom with Torah, differentiating between the sacred and unsacred, and how to begin developing a relationship with Torah study.
Believe In Yourself as Much as G-d Does | Rachel Jacobs
A conversation about believing in ourselves as much as G-d does, rising to G-d’s call for our mission in this world, moving past numbers as our metric of success, and what we can each learn from Chabad Shluchim.
Live In a Way That Speaks for Itself | Dena Schusterman
A conversation about embracing the many ways of seeing the Torah while remaining rooted in our values, the difference between judgment and discernment, impacting people without preaching, and how to approach the decision to have another baby.
Singing With Purpose | Shaindy Plotzker
An Orthodox Jewish singer Shaindy Plotzker discusses her journey within the music industry, using our talents and voices for the sake of a higher purpose, performing for women’s only crowds and the blessings she’s seen come of it, seeing G-d as the source of both our successes and hardships, learning how to rest, elevating other women in her industry, advice for aspiring artists, and the deep intention that guides her every move.
Where Do Women Belong? | Laurie Novick
A thorough conversation about women’s roles within Judaism, the beauty and significance of Jewish law, and the lived experience of women’s Judaism.
Can Your Soul Override Who You Are? | Sara Blau
A conversation about the chassidic work of V'atah Tetzaveh. This conversation explores the generational shift from serving G-d through self sacrifice to a generation that is asked to serve G-d through abundance and an integration of our individual selves, as well as the role of a Tzaddik in helping us reveal the light of our souls.
A conversation with Chaya Lester, a psychotherapist, author, speaker, and poet, about the significance of internal, spiritual work during a time of collective upheaval, how we can become more attuned to divine messages through our daily interactions and dreams, and how we are all being invited to practice spiritual chutzpah in order to reveal the divine reality of the world.
Spiritual Chutzpah | Chaya Lester
A conversation with Shternie Rosenfeld -- who is a shlucha, Torah teacher, and single mother -- about her transformative journey through divorce within the Orthodox community. Shternie talks about her darkest moments and how she found light through an unwavering relationship with G-d. We also explore her unique role as a shlucha running a Chabad house alone and the daily choice to see our circumstances with gratitude and faith.
G-d Was My Lifeline | Shternie Rosenfeld
I Am a Jew | Women's Open Mic Night
Live In a State of Flow | Nechama Schusterman
Recording of a Human & Holy Open Mic night hosted in LA, with the theme "I Am a Jew". Women shared their writings, original music, poetry and more.
A conversation with Nechama Schusterman about how to live with an internal Moshiach consciousness, based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This episode is our second episode with Nechama, where we took listener questions, and dove deeper into the practical experience of integrating G-d into our daily lives.
When We Lose the Hostages We Prayed For, Where Do Our Prayers Go? | Nechama Dina Hendel
Nechama Dina Hendel from Baka, Jerusalem speaks about her community work in Israel during the war, the interconnectedness of the Jewish people from all over the world, her relationship with Rachel Goldberg-Polin and how to process the crushing losses of people we spent months praying for.
Finding My Own Path Within Judaism: Religious Questions, Personal Identity, and Chassidic Wisdom
A conversation with Gitty Rappoport about finding a personal sense of identity within her Judaism, how she navigated her religious questions growing up in Boro Park, and how Chassidic wisdom helped her develop a deep sense of connection to her Judaism.