Human & Holy

Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.

Raizel Deitsch || Come As You Are

In today’s episode, I interview Raizel Deitsch about a verse from Mishlei which encourages us to “find G-d in all your ways”. Raizel speaks about giving herself permission to find G-d in the human corners of her life, which sparked her transition from an abstract relationship with G-d to one that emanated from her authentic, physical experience.

Raizel’s words are a powerful reminder that G-d is looking for a personalized relationship with us that goes far deeper than the world’s opinions or expectations of our Judaism. When we can clear out the noise around us and hone in on our authentic relationship with G-d, we can reclaim the joy and passion of a divine service that is intertwined with our messy, human existence.

Dena Gorkin || The Moment of Pause

Ester Zirkind || To Guide Your Emotions, Feel Them First