Human & Holy

Human & Holy is a non-profit organization that creates content for Jewish education. Our focus is on the intersection of Jewish wisdom and our own humanity, and what it looks like to bolster each aspect of ourselves as one.

Hindi Kalmenson || Learning to Receive

In this episode, I interview Hindi Kalmenson, who is a marriage coach, teacher, and mom of four. Hindi takes us on her journey of learning to embrace her imperfections and let go of control in order to truly receive from the people around her and from G-d. Hindi’s story is inspired by the kabbalistic idea of mashpia and mekabel, the relationship between the giver and the receiver. How is our need for control and illusion of self-perfection stopping us from truly receiving?

Hindi is a certified marriage coach living in LA. She can be contacted at

Hadassah Shemtov || First, the Seed Unravels

Human & Holy Trailer