Human & Holy

Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.

The Neshama Yeseira || Rest as a Return to Essence

How can we experience an unconditional relationship with G-d that lies at the foundation of our divine service? What does it look like to just be with Him on Shabbos, to show up from a place of rest, not performance? Join myself and Hindi Kalmenson as we explore a chassidic discourse from the Alter Rebbe about our Neshama Yeseira, the additional soul we receive each week on Shabbos.

Today's episode is the second in a four part series on Shabbos. Our conversation is based on a a maamer from the Alter Rebbe "Vayakhel Moshe", which can be found in Torah Or.

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Aliza Shapiro, LCSW || Tools to Maximize Your Mental Rest on Shabbos

My Journey to Shabbos