Q & A with Tzivie: Is Therapeutic Language Authentic to the Tanya?, Religious Guilt, Plant Medicine, and Healing the Root of our Struggles
A recording of a live, follow up conversation with Tzivie Greenberg, where we discussed podcast listeners' questions, as well as questions that came in from the audience as we spoke.
Some questions that were asked: Is therapeutic language authentic to the Tanya? What are some practical ways to live in a way that emanates from the light of our souls? How can we find a healthy balance between being and doing when doing inner work, and how can we differentiate between recognizing our genuine capacity versus a fear of stepping into our soul's mission? Other topics that were discussed: religious guilt, plant medicine, and healing the root of our struggles.
This episode is a follow up conversation to the episode titled 'It Could Be So Much Better'.
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Listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/q-a-with-tzivie-is-therapeutic-language-authentic/id1543330611?i=1000671952750
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