Human & Holy

Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.

Tefillah Series Launch || When You Don't Feel Worthy of Talking to G-d

Today's episode kicks off Human & Holy's extended series on Tefillah, where we will be doing a deep dive into the ongoing conversation we can have with Hashem.

Before we even talk about the siddur, before we talk about the deeper meaning and significance of prayer, we have to talk about the hurdle that so many of us face: feeling, for whatever reason, that we are not worthy of showing up and talking to G-d.

Today, Terri Klein shares her own journey with prayer, and what finally made her recognize that she, too, was worthy of having a relationship with Hashem.

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Adi Bitter || Opening Up the Siddur (Part 1)

Leah Rosenfeld || Getting Off the Hamster Wheel